3 Popular Interior Design Trends We're Seeing in 2019

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One of the best parts about interior design is discovering and trying out different trends. While not every trend is here for the long haul, it can be fun to incorporate one or two into your home's design. In 2019, there is a wide range of trends popular among homeowners, builders, and remodelers. From bold wallpaper to mixed metals, there's a little something for everyone! Our team at Schrader & Co loves getting to see which trends resonate most with our clients. Lately, we've noticed some trends, in particular, seem to pop up more than others. Check out three of our favorites below!

Neutral Colors

Using neutral colors throughout your home's design can help other elements pop. This is especially true when incorporating different textural elements into the design. A boldly painted room can cause textures like polished tiles, natural wood elements, and fabrics to get lost in the design. In contrast, painting walls with a neutral shade creates the perfect backdrop for mixing different textures. Creating a layered, textural design creates a warm and welcoming interior.

Another benefit? You're less likely to get bored of a neutral color than a bright hue. While paint is an inexpensive way to update any space, it also takes a considerable amount of time. Opting for a less vibrant hue can save you the trouble. Updating a neutral color palette is as simple as swapping out decor like throw pillows or adding a vase of colorful flowers.

Light Stains

Dark wood stains reigned supreme for a long time but that seems to be changing. Lighter wood stains have started to gain traction as more and more homeowners utilize this trend throughout their home. It's easy to see why light stained cabinets, shelving, and furniture have grown in popularity. A light stain not only highlights the natural grain of the wood but also creates warmth. In addition, the light color plays nicely with a neutral palette and provides a striking contrast to bolder design elements.

Natural Woodwork

Just like light stains and neutral color palettes, natural woodwork helps to create a relaxing, cozy environment. With so many species of wood to choose from, finding the right one to complement your home's design is simple. There are also many different ways to use natural wood throughout your home. From a natural wood trim to accent walls to furniture, the options are pretty much endless. Aside from the many uses of natural woodwork, it's a great way to incorporate sustainability into your home's design. 

Interested in utilizing these trends in your new or existing home? Contact our team to get started!
